Klej wikol Tytan (Selena) 200g
Klej wikol Tytan (Selena) 200g
- Klej przeznaczony do klejenia na zimno drewna i laminatów. Po utwardzeniu daje elastyczną i trwałą spoinę. Bardzo szybko osiąga wytrzymałość końcową. Przeznaczony do prac w pomieszczeniu.
Vicol carpentry adhesive consists of a combination of an aqueous dispersion of polyvinyl acetate resin with the addition of refining agents. As a result, we get strong, flexible, colorless welds. It can be used for both cold and hot gluing: wood with wood and wood-based materials, wood with fabrics and paper Wikol glue is also recommended for gluing elements with which children have contact. Does not emit hazardous substances to health when dry.
Vicol glue application method:
- Clean the surfaces to be glued, if there are any greasy stains you can clean with solvent and then dry. Plastics should be sanded and dusted off.
- Mix the glue before use. It should be used at temp. +10°C.
- Spread a thin and even layer on both surfaces to be glued with a roller, spatula or brush
- After 2-4 minutes have elapsed, join together and press with the press the elements
- Press until strength is achieved to allow further processing or transportation
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